Social Security Scotland local services

Two colleagues standing talking to each other.

Recruitment commences for jobs to provide support in communities.

The first of at least 400 jobs, created to deliver devolved social security support within local communities across Scotland, are now open for applications.

The new Social Security Scotland service will have a presence in every local authority area, with staff co-located in existing public and third sector services – all of which will make it easily accessible to local communities and anyone looking for information and support

Announcing the jobs at Bathgate Partnership Centre, a community hub in West Lothian, Social Security Minister Jeane Freeman said:

“Scotland’s new social security system will treat people with dignity, fairness and respect, delivering services in a way that ensures people can get the financial support they are entitled to. This means that people should be able to access the agency in the way that is right for their needs – be that online, over the phone or face-to-face.

“We want to make sure people can speak directly to our staff to get the information and advice they need for any one of the 11 benefits we will be responsible for. Our staff working in existing, accessible and premises and alongside colleagues in local authorities, health and the third sector will be one of the many distinctly different features of our new social security system.

“The Scottish Parliament will vote on the Social Security Bill tomorrow and I am looking forward to building a new public service that meets the needs of the people of Scotland.”

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