If you are a GP filling out a Child Disability Payment request for supporting information, you can claim a fee of £33.50 per request.
You can do this by completing a fee claim form and sending it to Social Security Scotland.
The fee claim form will be included in the documentation that contains the supporting information request.
After filling out the Child Disability Payment supporting information request you should fill out the fee claim form.
First tick the box that confirms you’re eligible to claim the fee.
Fill in as many address details as possible.
Tick whether you’re registered for VAT.
Write your VAT reference number in the appropriate box.
Enter the fee amount.
Fill out the details of the relevant bank or building society.
Supply the relevant patient information. This will help Social Security Scotland process the payment.
Return the completed form in the envelope provided to:
Child Disability Payment
Social Security Scotland
You can contact Social Security Scotland at:
0800 182 2222