Eligibility for Funeral Support Payment

To be eligible for Funeral Support Payment, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • the client or their partner must be in receipt of at least one qualifying benefit on the date the application was made or an earlier date within the application window if it is a backdated award (see list of qualifying benefits below)
  • the client must be ordinarily resident in Scotland
  • the person who died must have been ordinarily resident in the UK
  • the funeral must be held in the UK or, in some circumstances, in a member state of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
  • the client or their partner is responsible for the cost of the funeral
  • it was reasonable for the client or their partner to have accepted responsibility for the cost of the funeral
  • the client applied within six months from the date of the funeral – or within 20 working days after the end of the six month period if they have a backdated qualifying benefit award that relates to at least one day in the six month period

The amount the client gets paid can depend on how much of the deceased’s money or assets is available to use towards the funeral costs, without confirmation having been granted. The available assets could include a pension or insurance policy that pays out a lump sum, which can be put towards funeral costs. Read the Assessing available funds guidance for more information.

Please note: There are a limited range of circumstances where the client can get Funeral Support Payment when the funeral was held in in a member state of the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Please speak to your manager for further guidance on what to do in these instances.

Definition of a partner: A partner is someone the client lives with and they’re a couple, married or civil partners.

Further information on eligibility

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