Social Security Scotland no longer has extended timescales to process applications, redeterminations, appeals or reviews made on or after 1 October 2021. Clients still have longer to apply and request redeterminations, appeals and reviews due to Coronavirus.
Applies to all internal review requests dated from 7 April 2020.
The time for accepting and processing internal reviews has changed, due to the impact of COVID-19.
We have extended the 16 working day deadline for us to make an internal review decision by an additional 45 working days. We now have 61 working days to make a decision. However, we aim to make the decision as soon as reasonably possible.
We should process late requests we receive between 32 days and a year from the first decision if the delay is due to COVID-19 reasons.
We still process requests sent over a year after the first decision. This only applies if the reason for the late request is COVID-19 related.
COVID-19 Timescales for all internal review requests dated from 7 April 2020:
Action |
Timescale |
Send internal review acknowledgement letter to client |
Within 2 working days of getting their request |
Call client after getting internal review request |
Within 3 working days of getting their request |
Make an internal review decision |
Within 61 working days of the date we got their request |
Late requests |
A request sent in between 32 days and a year of the first decision |
There is a difference between a re-determination and internal review.
Applicants will be not be able to get a redetermination on their Job Start Payment application, but they can get an internal review. They will have no appeal rights.
Send a notification letter acknowledging internal review request.
A client can request an internal review by calling Social Security Scotland or by completing the form sent with their determination letter.
The triage team will pick up internal review requests and pass them to the client experience officers.
Late internal review requests
A late request is one we get 31 days after the client receives their Job Start Payment decision letter. However, a request for internal review can be accepted up to 12 months after receipt of the decision letter if the client provides us with a good reason why it has been submitted after 31 days.
Late requests as described above should be discussed with your managers as an element of discretion may be agreed.
If the request is not to be accepted, the client will be informed of this in writing and will also be advised to apply again if their circumstances have changed.
Also advise the client to call, if they have any questions or feedback.
Follow the same process we used to make the original decision.