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Equality Outcomes consultation launched

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The consultation on our draft equality outcomes opened today (7 November) and we are seeking people’s views.

These outcomes will set out the practical steps we will take to ensure we are treating all groups of people in Scotland fairly.

We are asking our clients and stakeholders for their thoughts to make sure that the outcomes are right for a new and growing organisation.

We also want to make sure that the outcomes are clear and measurable.

David Wallace, Chief Executive, Social Security Scotland, said:

“Equality is at the heart of all that we do. It is embedded within the Social Security Act and is one of Social Security Scotland’s strategic objectives.

“It is vital that our clients and stakeholders help shape our equality outcomes as this will help us make sure we get it right.”

The consultation closes on Thursday 6 February 2020.

To get involved, please visit Citizen Space. Here you will find a number of accessible versions of the consultation and ways to respond.

If you are a BSL user, please see details of how to respond in the video below.

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