Date: Tuesday 11 October 2022
Time: 10:00 to 12:30
Location: Hybrid/ Video conference
1. Welcome, Conflicts of interest declaration and Action tracker
Chris Creegan, Chair of the Executive Advisory Body
2. Chief Executive Update
Verbal update for noting presented by David Wallace, Chief Executive
3. Performance & Service Delivery Update
Verbal update for noting presented by Janet Richardson, Deputy Director Client Service Delivery
4. Adult Disability Payment National Rollout
Verbal update for discussion introduced by Janet Richardson, Deputy Director Client Service Delivery and presented by the Operations Manager.
5. 2021-22 Charter Measurement Framework & Client Survey: First Look
For discussion, introduced by Alastair MacPhail, Deputy Director, Strategy, Change, Data & Engagement and presented by the Principal Research Officer and team.
6. Any other business
Below the line papers
Exemption applied to Error and Debt, and Counter Fraud Report (Quarterly)