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Call to funeral director checklist for Funeral Support Payment

If an applicant has confirmed that a funeral director is being used and has given us consent to speak to them directly, then the client adviser should call the funeral director. After reviewing the application, you should use this call checklist in order to ask the funeral director the relevant questions.

Scottish local authorities should not charge for funeral costs for children (under 18). Stillbirth may be considered differently from a child funeral. You will need to confirm with the funeral director if local authority costs apply.

Steps for making the funeral director checklist call

  1. Introduce yourself and explain you are calling from Social Security Scotland to discuss an application for Funeral Support Payment for the funeral of (give name of person who died) who died on (give date of death).
  2. If the funeral director will not discuss the details with you, advise them that they should contact the applicant and ask them to give consent to the funeral director to speak to us directly. You should make a follow up call to the funeral director after this.

Information to confirm on the call

  1. Ask the funeral director who is named on the bill. If the name on the bill does not match the client’s or their partner’s name, they may still be entitled to Funeral Support Payment. See the eligibility guidance for more information.
  2. Confirm the funeral director’s bank sort code, account name and number. We only need to get this information when the client has given consent for the payment to be made directly to the funeral director. The funeral director should also confirm if this bank account is used by more than one branch and what these are called.
  3. Confirm the funeral type (burial or cremation)​.
    1. If burial, confirm if an existing plot is used.
    2. If cremation, confirm if implantable devices were removed and which ones. What cost was incurred?
  4. Confirm the funeral location.
  5. Confirm the funeral date​.
  6. Ask if a funeral plan exists. If yes:
    1. Ask whether the funeral plan is fully paid up or will be honoured.
    2. If no, ask if the funeral plan pays out a cash value and whether this is available to be used for funeral costs.
    3. Consider any costs not covered by the funeral plan following the standard Funeral Support Payment processes.
  7. Confirm if there are any exceptional circumstances which means the funeral was or will be held outside of normal hours. Record the reason for this and if there are any additional costs.
  8. Confirm if transport exceeds 49.7 miles (80 km) for the body to be moved from the place where the body was located:
    1. to the funeral director premises; or
    2. to the last residence of the person who died; or
    3. to another place where it is appropriate for the body to lie before the funeral
  9. Confirm if transport exceeds 49.7 miles (80 km) for the body to be moved from the funeral director premises, or where the body was located, to the funeral.
  10. Confirm the mileage rate charged by the funeral director, if the funeral director confirms that the journey was more than 49.7 miles (80 km).

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