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Applications to open early for Scottish Child Payment

young child climbing stairs

The new Scottish Child Payment – which is unique to Scotland - is to open early for applications from Monday 9 November.

We will be taking applications ahead of its introduction on Monday 15 February 2021 to help manage the expected demand.

The new benefit will give eligible families on low incomes with children under 6 an extra £10 per week for each child. It is planned to be fully rolled out to children under the age of 16 by the end of 2022.

The payment could support up to 194,000 children this financial year and the payment will be made every four weeks.

The Scottish Government committed to introducing this new payment in June 2019 as part of the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan.

People can apply for Scottish Child Payment from Monday 9 November 2020 by visiting or calling 0800 182 2222.

For those who apply before Monday 15 February, their payment will be calculated from Monday 15 February. For those who apply after Monday 15 February, their payment will be calculated from the date they apply.

Scottish Child Payment is a new benefit and it is in addition to the UK wide Child Benefit.

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