Changes to carers benefits

Changes have been made by The Scottish Government to carers benefits to make sure carers’ can continue to access support such as Carers Allowance, paid for by the DWP during the coronavirus outbreak.
Carers will continue to receive Carer’s Allowance from the DWP, even if they are no longer able to provide the required 35 hours care in person because they, or the person they are caring for, are ill or self-isolating as a result of COVID-19. This means that care such as cooking meals and then delivering them, or providing emotional support over the phone will count towards the 35 hours of care.
Rules have also been relaxed so ensure that a carer who is not able to provide 35 hours of care because they, or the person they are caring for, are ill or self-isolating, their Carer’s Allowance will continue to be paid.
Carers may also be able to receive support from the UK Government, such as Universal Credit and financial help available for the self-employed. We would encourage anyone in need to apply for all of the support to which they may be entitled.
Carers in Scotland in receipt of Carer’s Allowance on the qualifying date of 13 April 2020 will also receive a Carer’s Allowance Supplement payment of £230.10 in June.
Additionally, The Scottish Government has made £45 million available to local authorities for the Scottish Welfare Fund, which will provide grants to help people in Scotland on low incomes, including Crisis Grants to cover emergency costs.
More advice on support for carers during the coronavirus outbreak is available on the Scottish Government website
More information on the Scottish Welfare Fund and how to apply is available on the website
More information on Universal Credit and support from the UK Government for the self-employed is available at