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Extra payment to help carers during coronavirus

Carer holding hands and smiling at an elderly woman

In recognition of the additional pressure that unpaid carers are under at this time, the Scottish Government will be making a Coronavirus Carer’s Allowance Supplement payment later this month.

This one-off payment is in addition to the regular six monthly Carer’s Allowance Supplement. As a result, eligible carers will get a payment of at least £460.20. This will be paid from Friday 26 June.

As with the current supplement, carers will not need to do anything to get this extra payment as it will be paid automatically to people who were living in Scotland and in receipt of Carer’s Allowance on 13 April 2020 eligibility date. Social Security Scotland will write to eligible carers in advance.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People Shirley-Anne Somerville said:

“Coronavirus is putting even more demands on carers. It is hard emotionally – carers will inevitably be concerned about their own health, and that of the people they care for. However in many cases, it will also be difficult financially.

“The payment will benefit carers who are on low incomes and already have some of the most intense caring roles, providing at least 35 hours of unpaid care weekly to a disabled child or adult in receipt of higher level disability benefits.

“This extra payment is one way of providing some additional help - and of acknowledging that we know that carers are doing even more right now. We thank them for that.”

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