New benefit for young carers

Two young girls smiling at the camera

The Young Carer Grant launched today (Monday 21 October) and is available for 16, 17 and 18 year-olds who spend an average of 16 hours caring for a person or people who receive a disability benefit.

The yearly payment of £300 is a cash benefit for young carers to spend as they choose. They can apply if they are at school, in further education, employed or unemployed.

Young carers can combine the hours they spend caring for more than one eligible person in order to reach the 16 hours a week requirement.

This is the first benefit of its kind anywhere in the UK. People can apply for Young Carer Grant by visiting the website or by calling 0800 182 2222.

We would like to thank all the stakeholders who attended our Young Carer Grant roadshows over the past month and those who took part in our teleconferences and webinar to learn more about the new benefit.

Stakeholder resources are available for this benefit.

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