Our new client survey

From today, we will be writing to every client who has contact with us to ask them about their experience with Social Security Scotland.
This is the first time that such a wide-stretching survey about benefits has taken place in Scotland. In the large-scale survey we will reach out to nearly 170,000 people to find out how satisfied they are with our service. Everyone who has ever applied for or received a payment, since our launch in 2018, will have an opportunity to have their say.
This questionnaire will measure how well we are delivering a social security system based on our values of dignity, fairness and respect.
It is all part of our commitment to design a service with the people who use it. Thousands of volunteers have already taken part in our Experience Panels to share their lived experience of the UK benefits system and help us build a fairer system for Scotland.
Now that we are delivering eight benefits to the people who need them, we are seeking the views of our own clients and people completing the survey will be offered the opportunity to take part in brand new Client Panels.
Made up of volunteers from across Scotland, the Client Panel members will be regularly asked for their opinions in several ways, including online and telephone interviews and surveys – helping us to make sure we are getting things right.
We believe that our new service is an investment in the people of Scotland – one that is created with people and not for them.
This ties in with measuring how we are delivering against Our Charter, which sets out what people should expect from the new social security system.