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Over £46 million paid in Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods since launch

Child is sitting on his parents knee placing a coin into a piggy bank.

Figures published today reveal that Social Security Scotland has awarded £46.9 million to Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods clients.

The sum covers Best Start Grant’s three types of payment over the period 10 December 2018 to 30 November 2020. This equates to £15.7 million for Pregnancy and Baby Payment, £11.7 million for Early Learning Payment and £9.8 million for School Age Payment. Best Start Foods accounted for £9.8 million.

Approximately £4.2 million was distributed in Best Start Grant and Best Start Food payments in September 2020, the highest monthly total to date.

The full report is available on the mygov website.

Pregnancy and Baby Payment applications were taken from 10 December 2018, Early Learning Payment from 29 April 2019 and School Age Payment from 3 June 2019.

Eligible families are currently being encouraged to apply for the School Age Payment before applications close on 28 February. The one-off £250 Payment is open to families with a child born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016.

Best Start Foods is a payment that replaces the UK Government’s Healthy Start Vouchers in Scotland. Best Start Foods replaced Healthy Start Vouchers as part of a phased rollout for new applications in Scotland from 12 August 2019.

Stakeholders can access more information and resources on Best Start Grant or Best Start Foods. People can check eligibility and apply for these benefits on the website.

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