People to receive Winter Heating Payment from December

Winter Heating Payments will be paid this year from December 2023, with the majority of people receiving their payment by the end of January 2024, subject to Social Security Scotland receiving the required client data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
This reliable annual payment of £55.05 will be made automatically to clients to help with their heating expenses and support them through the cost of living crisis. Tackling poverty and protecting people from harm is one of three critical missions for the Scottish Government.
More than £22m will be paid to over 400,000 people on low incomes, in batches throughout the winter months. The first clients can expect to receive their Winter Heating Payment before the end of December, with the vast majority receiving their payment in January.
Winter Heating Payment was first paid in winter 2022-2023 and replaces the DWP Cold Weather Payment. Unlike the DWP benefit it replaces that was reliant on the weather being sufficiently cold for a sustained period of time, Winter Heating Payment guarantees that everyone identified as requiring additional support will receive a payment every year, no matter the weather.
The majority of people eligible for Winter Heating Payment during the qualifying week of 6- 12 November, will receive it automatically, with no need to apply. It is paid through Social Security Scotland and people will get a letter to let them know they are eligible.
For more information about Winter Heating Payment people can visit or call us for free on 0800 182 2222.