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Reviewing previous Personal Independence Payments

Female in wheelchair reading information at a bus stop

People getting Personal Independence Payment (PIP) from DWP can ask for their award to be reviewed if they were told people their mobility award could not increase because they had reached State Pension age before 29 November 2020.

This includes people who have had, or are about to have, their award transferred from PIP to Adult Disability Payment.

We are asking organisations to share this information with disabled people they support to make sure they get the financial support they are entitled to.

Reviewing mobility award for Personal Independence Payment

If the DWP used a health professional report when reviewing a person’s award, and the client had not reported a change in their mobility needs, they may be entitled to an increase in their mobility award.

People may be entitled to an increased award for the mobility part of their PIP, even if they have stopped getting PIP.

This review of Personal Independence Payment mobility award does not affect new Adult Disability Payment awards. Adult Disability Payment is a new Scottish benefit that is replacing PIP. People are already getting PIP are gradually being transferred and do not need to do anything as their payments will transfer automatically.

Eligibility requirements for mobility review and how to apply

People who reached State Pension age in Scotland who previously received PIP but now get Adult Disability Payment, or are getting their payment transferred, are able to ask for their mobility award to be reviewed. People should contact the DWP to ask for their award to be reviewed.If people meet the eligibility criteria, DWP will check to see if they should have paid them more. If they should have paid you more, DWP will pay this increased award.

Information on eligibility for review and how to apply is available on the UK website.

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