Upskilling our People Services Team

Laptop with the word CIPD (Chartered Institute of People Development)

Seven of our colleagues have completed their Level 5 Associate Level Membership for the Chartered Institute of People Development.

The qualification is recognised across the industry and establishes our colleagues as credible Human Resources professionals.

Six out of the seven people who qualified are based in Dundee – building senior capability in our Head Office city.

The graduates began the year-long course just before the beginning of the pandemic which meant most of the learning has taken place virtually.


Celina Cargill, People Advice and Support Adviser said:

“Before working for Social Security Scotland, I worked as a frontline manager but I wanted to move into the role of HR and Social Security Scotland said they would put me through my professional qualification.

“The course was great. I enjoyed it. I left school at 17 and I am 39 so I hadn’t taken part in any formal education in 22 years. I was apprehensive about going back to a learning environment but the seven of us doing it all together made it easier.

“Doing this course was just the first step for me. It’s important in HR to stay on top of trends and I am keen to continually develop whilst supporting Social Security Scotland to deliver an excellent service.”

Nicola Clunie, People Advice and Support Partner said:

“It was hard work but worthwhile. I want to go forward in this qualification and become a chartered member. I think the knowledge you gain from it is really good. It helps you deepen your understanding of the different areas in HR.

“It was a challenging year and for everyone to get through it and become fully qualified was inspirational.

“I want the Social Security Scotland team to be at the forefront of HR – delivering a first-class service and being there for our people.”

Social Security Scotland is committed to putting in place career development opportunities for all of our people.

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