
231 results


15 June 2021

Personal Independence Payment at April 2021: summary statistics

Quarterly statistics for Personal Independence Payment in Scotland. Statistics include registrations and cases with entitlement. Further breakdowns are available on the website.


15 June 2021

Young Carer Grant: high level statistics to 30 April 2021

This publication provides information on applications and payments for Young Carer Grant for approximately 18 months of applications.


11 June 2021

Funeral Support Payment: high level statistics to 31 March 2021

High level information on Funeral Support Payments, including statistics on the number of applications received, processed and authorised, as well as the value of payments made up to 31 March 2021.


18 May 2021

Benefits for carers and disability assistance at November 2020: summary statistics

Updated statistics for Carer’s Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance claimants in Scotland. Statistics are broken down by characteristics such as gender, age, duration of claim and entitlement. Further breakdowns are available on the Stat-Xplore website.


18 May 2021

Job Start Payment: high level statistics to 31 March 2021

Job Start Payment is a new payment to help young people in Scotland with the costs associated with the transition into employment, after a period of time out of paid work.


11 May 2021

Scottish Child Payment: high level statistics to 31 March 2021

This publication provides information on applications and payments for Scottish Child Payment from 9 November to 31 March 2021 and is the first publication to include information on application decisions and payments.


27 April 2021

Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods statistics to 28 February 2021

Official statistics have been published for Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods for the period from December 2018 to 28 February 2021.


27 April 2021

Child Winter Heating Assistance: winter 2020/2021

Official statistics have been published on Child Winter Heating Assistance for 2020-2021.


30 March 2021

Social Security Scotland client diversity and equalities analysis to November 2020

Official statistics have been published on Social Security Scotland’s Client Diversity and Equalities analysis covering the period 1 June to 30 November 2020.


25 March 2021

Social Security Scotland Workforce Information December 2020

The data presented in this publication are taken from information held on the Scottish Government’s Human Resources (HR) system. This system is managed by the Scottish Government and is shared with Social Security Scotland and other Executive Agencies. Social Security Scotland also share the same terms and conditions of employment as the Scottish Government.

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