77 results found for "500"
News - 22 November 2023
Social security support for Scotland’s unpaid carersUnpaid carers make a vital contribution to our communities all across Scotland. At the same time, we know caring can be challenging as it involves juggling caring responsibilities with work, study and other family commitments, and can impact people’s health, wellbeing and ability to live their life outside of their caring role.
News - 14 May 2024
Child Disability Payment – helping children and young people be all they can beWhen designing our disability benefits, we collaborated with disabled people and their families to create a better and more compassionate system, putting dignity, fairness and respect at its heart.
News - 13 May 2022
Good progress being made with our recruitmentIn this fourth edition of our newsletter, we will share our latest research findings and tell you what is coming up in early 2023. Thank you to all of our members who have taken part in our research projects in 2022.