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When to complete a BASRiS, SR1 or a DS1500 form

This guidance is for clinicians who have a patient with a terminal illness and need to complete a Benefits Assessment under Special Rules in Scotland (BASRiS) form to support an application for disability assistance under the special rules.

Special Rules for Terminal illness is a dedicated fast-track process for benefit applications from people who are terminally ill. To process an application through this route we need confirmation of the terminal diagnosis from a doctor or nurse.

Confirmation should be provided by completing a BASRiS form, which has replaced the SR1 form and DS1500 form in Scotland. Doctors and nurses should do this no matter how long someone is expected to live. Unlike the UK benefits system, we do not require someone to have a fixed life expectancy to apply under our fast-track process.

The BASRiS form is not an application form but is used to provide confirmation of a terminal illness diagnosis. This supporting information allows Social Security Scotland to make a decision about disability assistance under the special rules.

When to complete a BASRiS form

Children Which form to use
For all children living in Scotland aged 0 to 16 years Complete a BASRiS form and return it to Social Security Scotland
Adults (16 – State Pension age) Which form to use
Adults not in receipt of PIP Complete a BASRiS form and return it to Social Security Scotland
Adults in receipt of PIP (for Scottish-based recipients only) Complete a BASRiS form and return to DWP
Adults in receipt of DLA who were born after 08 April 1948 (for Scottish-based recipients only) Complete a BASRiS form and return to DWP
Adults in receipt of DLA who were born before 08 April 1948 (for Scottish-based recipients only) Complete a BASRiS form and return to DWP
People over State Pension age Which form to use
People in receipt of Attendance Allowance or applying for Attendance Allowance before Pension Age Disability Payment is available in their area Complete an SR1 or DS1500 and return to DWP
People in receipt of Attendance Allowance and Pension Age Disability Payment is available in their area Complete a BASRiS form and return to DWP
People applying for or in receipt of Pension Age Disability Payment once it's available in their area Complete a BASRiS form and return to Social Security Scotland

During the transition period, if you send a form to the wrong department, it will be transferred to the correct department. Social Security Scotland works in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in England and Wales, and the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland.

Request paper forms

If you're a medical practitioner you can ask for paper BASRiS forms by filling out the form below. If you're an applicant and think you need a BASRiS, you should ask a medical practitioner for one.

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This is where we'll post the forms to.

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