Latest Client Satisfaction Survey opens

From today (25 April), we are inviting clients to tell us about their experiences of our benefits and services.
The satisfaction survey is open to clients who have applied for or received a benefit since 1 January 2022. Almost 30,000 clients will be invited to take part by email, post and text as part of our commitment to design and deliver a service in consultation with the people who use it.
Open from 25 April to the 22 May, the survey will measure how well we are delivering against our Charter and providing a social security system that treats people with dignity, fairness and respect. This is the fifth time the survey has run, and has been updated to reflect the growth in the benefits and services we deliver.
People who complete the survey will also be offered the opportunity to participate in Client Panels. These Panels are made up of volunteers from across Scotland, who are regularly asked for their opinions in several ways, including online and telephone interviews and surveys. The Client Panels builds on the work of the Scottish Government’s Experience Panels and is a continuation of our work to build this new system with the people who will use it.