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Our Charter

The Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 required the Scottish Government to create Our Charter.

The purpose of Our Charter is to set out what people should expect from the new social security system, which we will administer. It explains in clearer terms how we will uphold the Principles in the Act , how we will make sure that we are taking a human rights based approach to what we do and how we will demonstrate dignity, fairness and respect in all our actions.

As with everything in this new system, Our Charter was created with people and not for them.

We have also proactively produced this in a range of accessible formats including video with British Sign Language, audio, large print, Easy Read, which are linked to below.

More information

Information about our performance against the commitments within the Charter will be available from the annual Charter Measurement Framework reports.

More information about the Framework can be accessed on the Scottish Government website.

Here are the Charter Measurement Framework publications to date:

Measuring Our Charter 2022-2023

Measuring our Charter 2021-2022

Measuring our Charter 2020-2021

Measuring Our Charter 2019-2020



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