Two Non-Executives sought to join Executive Advisory Board

Social Security Scotland is seeking two new Non-Executives to join our Executive Advisory Body which is made up of our Chief Executive, David Wallace, our Executive Team and six Non-Executives.

Our Non-Executives, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds, play a hugely important role by using their insight and experience to offer constructive challenge and advice. This challenge and advice helps us to develop and implement our strategy and plans and deliver more effective governance supporting us to deliver the best service possible for the people of Scotland.

Both new Non-Executives will be asked to join our Audit and Assurance Committee to provide independent scrutiny of how we spend public money and how we deliver our services to clients.

Our new Non-Executives could come from any walk of life but, to bring greater diversity to the organisation and better reflect the people we are here to serve, we would particularly welcome applications from groups currently under-represented on Scotland’s public bodies including disabled people and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Chief Executive, David Wallace, said: “This is a really important opportunity to play a key role in shaping how social security is delivered in Scotland, setting the tone from the very top and helping us to shape our organisation’s future. I believe a more diverse workforce will help us to do things differently, challenge our thinking and help us improve, so I am committed to bringing greater diversity to our organisation”

The Non-Executive roles will be advertised from 17th June until 14th July 2021 and can be found through the Work for Scotland website.

We will also be reaching out to our existing stakeholder groups and to organisations representing people with protected characteristics in Scotland.

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