
760 results


16 November 2021

Benefits for carers and disability assistance at May 2021: summary statistics

Updated statistics for Carer’s Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance claimants in Scotland. Statistics are broken down by characteristics such as gender, age, duration of claim and entitlement. Further breakdowns are available on the Stat-Xplore website


16 November 2021

Funeral Support Payment: high level statistics to 30 September 2021

High level information on Funeral Support Payments, including statistics on the number of applications received, processed and authorised, as well as the value of payments made up to 30 September 2021.


4 November 2021

Executive Advisory Body - 5 October 2021


3 November 2021

Charter Research 2020-2021

This report presents results from research conducted with Social Security Scotland clients, staff and partners in 2021.


3 November 2021

Social Security Scotland - Annual Report and Account 2020-2021

Our Annual Report and Accounts tells the story of our activities from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.


3 November 2021

Client Survey 2018-2021

Social Security Scotland's Client Survey offers our clients the chance to tell us about their views and experiences of the service.


3 November 2021

Charter Research 2020-2021 Summary Report

This is a summary of the Charter Research 2020-2021 report.


3 November 2021

Client Survey 2018-2021 Summary Report

This is a summary of the Client Survey 2018-2021 report.


3 November 2021

Measuring Our Charter 2020/2021

This framework is a co-designed list of measures relating to the commitments set out in Our Charter.

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