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12 November 2024
Our Charter is reviewed every five years. In 2023 it was reviewed for the first time. As part of the process to review the Charter, researchers and officials also revised the Charter Measurement Framework. This measures update is the new version of the framework. The research report outlines the findings underpinning the changes.
14 November 2023
This report presents findings from research carried out with Social Security Scotland clients, staff and partners in 2023. The research was designed to provide data for a range of measures in the 2022-23 Charter Measurement Framework. Alongside the Client Survey, it forms a key source of data on people’s experiences of Social Security Scotland. A summary version of the report is also available below.
12 November 2024
This report presents findings from research carried out with Social Security Scotland clients, staff and partners in 2024. The research was designed to provide data for a range of measures in the 2023-24 Charter Measurement Framework. Alongside the Client Survey, it forms a key source of data on people’s experiences of Social Security Scotland. A summary version of the report is also available.
14 November 2023
Social Security Scotland's Client Survey offers our clients the chance to tell us about their views and experiences of the service they received. The latest publication includes responses from clients who interacted with Social Security Scotland between April 2022 and March 2023. The results are being used to measure how Social Security Scotland is performing and where it can improve. A summary version of the report is also available.
4 December 2023
As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This report contains information on the Equality Impact Assessment conducted on Social Security Scotland’s Internal Knowledge Management Hub. Social Security Scotland is looking to procure a platform to store and manage agency guidance needed by staff from the provided Invotra. The Equality Impact Assessment has considered the potential effects of the project and how it impacts on groups with protected characteristics.
5 September 2023
Social Security Scotland - Electronic Purchasing Card Transactions over £500 - July 2023
5 September 2023
Social Security Scotland - Electronic Purchasing Card Transactions over £500 - June 2023
6 February 2024
Social Security Scotland - Electronic Purchasing Card Transactions over £500 - September 2023
11 September 2023
As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This report contains information on the Equality Impact Assessment conducted on Social Security Scotland’s English to English Transcription Service. Social Security Scotland is looking to introduce this service to allow our teams who require client interactions transcribed for official use to have this done by an external provider. The Equality Impact Assessment has considered the potential effects of the project and how it impacts on groups with protected characteristics.
14 November 2023
Social Security Scotland insights research findings for the period April 2022 to March 2023.
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