Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
FOI Reference: FOI/202374958
Date received: 7 September 2023
Date responded: 22 September 2023
What Key Performance Indicator (KPI) statistics are collected by Social Security Scotland with regards to the Adult Disability Payment and the Child Disability Payment?
Response to your request
Social Security Scotland collects and publishes a wide range of performance information. These are listed below.
Our Charter sets out the principles that Social Security Scotland adheres to in the delivery of devolved benefits in Scotland and what this means in practice. Our Charter is available to view here:
Social Security Scotland - Our Charter
We measure performance in achieving the aims set out in Our Charter using our Charter Measurement Framework, which was co-designed with people of lived experience of the social security system. It is available to view here:
Social Security Scotland - Measuring Our Charter 2021-22
Further reporting on the performance of Social Security Scotland is available in our Annual Report and Accounts, which summarises the activity of Social Security Scotland for each fiscal year. The most recent report is available here:
Social Security Scotland - Annual Report 2021-2022
Social Security Scotland also runs an insights research programme to continuously improve its services. The most recent report is available here:
Social Security Scotland - Insights Research Findings – April 2021 to March 2022
We survey our clients regularly and report our findings. Please find recent reports at the below links:
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2021-2022
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Child Disability Payment
Our Official Statistics for both Child Disability Payment and Adult Disability Payment can be found here:
Social Security Scotland - Social Security Scotland statistics: publications
About FOI
Social Security Scotland is committed to publishing responses to requests. The Scottish Government also publishes responses to requests. You can view the responses at