Two new non-executives join Executive Advisory Body

Social Security Scotland is delighted to announce the appointment of two new non-executive members to our Executive Advisory Body. The two successful candidates are Barry Matheson and Naghat Ahmed.
The Executive Advisory Body was established to carry out a key advisory role and provide strategic advice, scrutiny and constructive challenge to the Chief Executive and his Executive Team.
Appointments to the Executive Advisory Body are made by the Chief Executive of Social Security Scotland on the basis of fair and open competition. These are advisory roles and are not regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments or Ministerial appointments to a Board.
Our non-executive members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and play a hugely important role by using their insight and experience to offer constructive challenge and advice to Social Security Scotland.
Barry Matheson worked for over 30 years as an executive in the John Lewis Partnership, the UK’s largest employee-owned organisation. His background in customer experience, employee engagement, developing teams and operational delivery was developed across a wide portfolio of leadership roles.
Naghat Ahmed is a Law and Accountancy graduate. Her current role at Glasgow City Council includes both programme and project management. Naghat is also a carer for relatives who have disabilities. Since 2018, Naghat has been a member of the Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland.
Barry and Naghat will both join our Audit and Assurance Committee where they will provide independent scrutiny of how we spend public money and how we deliver our services to clients.
Barry Matheson commented on his appointment: “I am very proud to have this opportunity to play a part in Social Security Scotland's ambitious, values-led plan to support the people of Scotland. I will strive to ensure that my experience in employee engagement and customer experience delivery adds a valuable perspective to the Executive Advisory Body.”
Naghat Ahmed said: “I think joining the Executive Advisory Body is a rewarding opportunity which can make a difference to people’s lives.”