
760 results


8 December 2020

Electronic Purchasing over £500 October


22 December 2022

Equalities Strategy and Outcomes Review - September 2022

Our Equality Strategy was published in June 2021, following consultation with colleagues, stakeholders and current and potential clients. This Equalities Strategy Outcomes Review reports our progress on the outcomes within the strategy.


22 June 2021

Equality Outcomes

We have three equality outcomes that we want to achieve. This document is one of three linked documents that explain our approach. The other two documents are our Equality Strategy and our Mainstreaming Equality Progress Report. Our equality outcomes describe the changes we want to make to meet our equality duties and show that, as an employer and service provider, our values of dignity, fairness and respect are clear in everything we do.


22 June 2021

Equality Strategy

Our Equality Strategy outlines how we will continually improve our service by ensuring that equality is at the centre of everything we do and by bringing improvement to people who experience discrimination and disadvantage.


19 May 2021

Equality Strategy Impact Assessment Summary Report

As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This document shows how the information about our workforce and the communities we serve guided our approach and the focus of our equality outcomes for 2021-2022.


18 December 2023

Error Control Strategy

Our key objective is to pay the right people the right money at the right time. Careful consideration has been given to minimising the risk of error occurring, and to identify and quickly resolve where error does occur.


24 May 2023

Executive Advisory Body - 07 March 2023

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