
760 results


14 November 2023

Social Security Scotland - Annual Report and Account 2022-2023

Our Annual Report and Accounts details our activities from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.


14 November 2023

Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2022-2023

Social Security Scotland's Client Survey offers our clients the chance to tell us about their views and experiences of the service they received. The latest publication includes responses from clients who interacted with Social Security Scotland between April 2022 and March 2023. The results are being used to measure how Social Security Scotland is performing and where it can improve. A summary version of the report is also available.


14 November 2023

Social Security Scotland – Measuring Our Charter - 2022-2023

The framework is a list of measures co-designed with people with lived experience of the social security system. The measures relate to the commitments set out in Our Charter. Every year we collect relevant and available information and data for the measures, put it into the framework and then publish the results. Last year’s framework contained data for 2021-22. You can find out more about the purpose of the framework and how it was made in the Social Security Scotland Charter Measurement Framework and the Charter Measurement Framework Co-Design report and summary.


13 November 2023

Audit and Assurance Committee - 29 August 2023

29 August 2023 - Audit and Assurance Committee Papers


2 November 2023

Assistive Technology training - Equality Impact Assessment

As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This report contains information on the Equality Impact Assessment conducted on Social Security Scotland’s Assistive Technology training. Social Security Scotland is looking outsource Assistive Technology training, to ensure colleagues using the technology receive the appropriate level of training and upskilling required to effectively complete their job. The Equality Impact Assessment has considered the potential effects of the project and how it impacts on groups with protected characteristics.

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