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15 November 2022
Updated statistics for Carer’s Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Severe Disablement Allowance claimants in Scotland. Statistics are broken down by characteristics such as gender, age, duration of claim and entitlement. Further breakdowns are available on the Stat-Xplore website.
15 November 2022
Information on applications and payments for Child Disability Payment from 26 July 2021 to 30 September 2022.
8 November 2022
As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This document shows how the information about our workforce and the communities we serve guided our approach to delivering a great place to work for all colleagues while also understanding the needs of our clients and stakeholders.. We also want to embed a supportive culture where we look out for each other and our own wellbeing.
8 November 2022
As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This document shows how the information about our workforce and the communities we serve guided our approach to protecting our information assets in line with the Social Security Scotland Security Strategy, and comply with all relevant legal, regulatory, and business requirements.
8 November 2022
As a Public Body we are required to assess the impact of our activity. This document shows how the information about our workforce and the communities we serve guided our approach to developing our complaints handling procedure. This procedure will help us keep the client at the heart of the process, while enabling us to better understand how to improve our services by learning from complaints.
7 November 2022
7 November 2022
This report presents findings from a Client Panels research project carried out in May 2022.
7 November 2022
Social Security Scotland insights research findings for the period April 2021 to March 2022.
7 November 2022
Social Security Scotland's Client Survey offers our clients the chance to tell us about their views and experiences of the service they received. The latest publication includes responses from clients who interacted with Social Security Scotland between April 2021 and March 2022. The results are being used to measure how Social Security Scotland is performing and where it can improve. A summary version of the report is also available.
7 November 2022
This report presents findings from research carried out with Social Security Scotland clients, staff and partners in 2022. The research was designed to provide data for a range of measures in the 2021-22 Charter Measurement Framework. Alongside the Client Survey, it forms a key source of data on people’s experiences of Social Security Scotland. A summary version of the report is also available.
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