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Our logo

Primary logo

Our logo is made up of three separate elements; the marque (1), wordmark (2) and the translation/strapline (3). It’s an instantly recognisable brand element and should be represented consistently across all brand communications.

Annotated Social Security Scotland logo with labels of the marque, wordmark and translation/strapline.

Logo variations

There will be circumstances where the primary logo isn’t the most appropriate one – whether it’s for small sizes, particular audiences, or special media.

The secondary logo is to be used in situations where the strapline cannot be used in supporting copy or design.

A small use logo has been created for items with very limited space. For example, in social posts. The wordmark is moved so that it sits central within the height of the marque.

Secondary logo in navy and magenta. It has the strapline in magenta. Beside is the small use logo without the strapline.

Logo colourways

A reversed version of the logo has been created to allow the brand to sit on coloured or textured backgrounds. Legibility should be the prime consideration when choosing which logo to use, ensuring there is a high level of contrast between elements. Please see Our layouts section for examples of use. Always ensure the logo is positioned on backgrounds that provide enough contrast for maximum stand out.

The logo in 4 versions: white background with navy and magenta text and log. The others have white text and logo and come in backgrounds of magenta, dark blue and black.

Partner logos

Our logo can appear alongside partner logos. Either logo can appear first. A divider line should be applied between them as shown.

Image of Social Security Scotland logo and logo
Image of Fairer Scotland logo and Social Security Scotland logo.


Our values are often used as our strapline. Our values are important to us. So please treat it with the same respect you would when applying the logo.

Strapline in magenta text and white background saying dignity, fairness and respect.
Strapline in dark blue text and white background saying dignity, fairness and respect.

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