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Our brand

Our story

Social Security Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government. We help the people of Scotland by delivering social security payments.

We believe social security is a human right. We aim to serve everybody in Scotland equally. And we take pride in assessing claims fairly and paying money efficiently to those eligible.

We remember that any of us, at any time in our lives, may need this support.

Our appearance

This is our visual identity and is made up of our logo, colours, typography, layouts, and imagery. These are the visible elements of our brand that will help identify and distinguish us in people’s minds.

Our voice

Our voice is the way we speak and write. We follow guidelines for writing and speaking to make sure we communicate effectively with everyone.

Read our guidelines for writing and speaking.

Two women sitting opposite each other. Both are smiling and have laptops in front of them.

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If you are an organisation or individual who works with people who may need information or support on any of our benefits, sign up to our stakeholder newsletter.

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