Social Research
We conduct research with Social Security Scotland clients, staff and partner organisations. We do this to find what people’s experience of Social Security Scotland has been like. The research informs decisions about Social Security Scotland’s systems, processes and policies.
Client Survey
We conduct a survey of all clients who have received one or more payments. Here are all of our Client Survey publications to date:
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (January - March 2024)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (December 2023 – March 2024)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (September - December 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (August – November 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (April 2023 - August 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2022-2023
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2021-2022
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2018-2021 Summary Report
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2018-2021
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey 2018-2020
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (September 2023 - December 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (January 2023 - March 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Disability Payments (September 2022 - December 2022)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (April 2023 - July 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (December 2022 – March 2023)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (August – November 2022)
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Child Disability Payment
Social Security Scotland - Client Survey: Five Family Payments (April – July 2022)
Client Panels
The Client Panels are made up of clients who have agreed to take part in research with us. We run a programme of research with them to inform development and improvement of Social Security Scotland’s service. Here are our publications to date:
Report on Covid-19 research (on website)
Covid-19 research: Summary of Findings (on website)
Social Security Panels Research: Dundee and Glasgow Buildings
Social Security Panels Research: Buildings Summary
Social Security Panels Research: Web Chat Report
Social Security Panels Research: Web Chat Summary
Social Security Panels Research: Working Location of Staff Report
Social Security Panels Research: Working Location of Staff Summary
Social Security Panels Research: Opening Hours Report
Social Security Panels Research: Opening Hours Summary
Social Security Scotland - Members Feedback Survey
Some of our research projects are run jointly with the Scottish Government Experience Panels. More on the Experience Panels can be found on on the Social Security Experience Panels page.
Panel members can find out more information at on the Client Panels page.
Client Panels Newsletter
The Client Panels Newsletter provides updates about our research publications and ongoing projects. Here are all of our Client Panels newsletters to date:
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 8 (September 2024)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 7 (January 2024)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 6 (June 2023)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 5 (March 2023)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 4 (December 2022)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 3 (July 2022)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 2 (February 2022)
Client Panels Newsletter: Issue 1 (October 2021)
When people complete application forms or call our helpline, we ask some questions about their experience.
Social Security Scotland - Insights Research Findings – April 2022 to March 2023
For previous years' Insights publications see:
Insights Research Findings – April 2021 to March 2022
Insights Research findings - April 2020 to March 2021
Social Security Scotland: insights research findings to March 2020 - (
Charter Measurement
We fill out the Charter Measurement Framework each year. Here are the Charter Measurement Framework publications to date:
Measuring Our Charter 2022-2023
Measuring Our Charter 2021-2022
Measuring our Charter 2020-2021
Measuring Our Charter 2019-2020
The original Charter Measurement Framework containing only the list of measures can be found here:
We also conduct research with Client Panel members, staff and partner organisations to gather information for the framework. Here are all of our Charter Research publications to date:
Charter Research 2021-2022 Report and Summary
Charter Research 2020-2021 Summary Report
Other Research
We also sometimes conduct research with staff, partner organisations and clients who aren’t in the Client Panels. Here are other research publications:
Corporate Plan research:
Corporate Plan Summary of Findings
Fraud and Error:
Social Security Scotland - Official Error in Scottish Child Payment: Pilot Review, March – May 2023
Please contact us at for further information on Social Security Scotland research.