Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Late completion of application

An individual should complete part two of the application within six weeks of completing part one. If they do not, the earliest date that entitlement can begin is the date when Social Security Scotland receives part two of the application.

The six-week period will begin from the date Social Security Scotland receives the individual’s ‘required data’ (being the individual’s name and date of birth). In some instances, this can be a different date from when Part 1 (or both parts) of the application are received.

Decision makers should therefore ensure that they record the date on which the required data is received from an individual as this will influence whether their application is recognised as on time or late and therefore impacts on the start date of their entitlement.

However, if the individual can show good reason for completing their application late, Social Security Scotland can treat the date of application as the later of either the date that the individual:

  • completed part one of the application
  • met the eligibility criteria, including the backwards test

The date of application may also be the date that the required data was received by Social Security Scotland if this was received separately to the application.

The individual must provide good reason for the late application within 52 weeks of the application being completed. If Social Security Scotland does not accept the reasons for the late completion, the individual has the right to request a re-determination in relation to the start date of assistance.

There is a wide range of circumstances that might be considered good reason for the late completion of an application:

  • where the individual could not complete the application due to a disability or health condition resulting in them being hospitalised
  • a personal event such as a bereavement or moving house
  • where the individual or a third party representative has contacted Social Security Scotland to request more time. This could be to liaise with welfare rights support or accessibility support such as a translation or interpreter service.

This list is not exhaustive.

Good reason due to an action by Social Security Scotland would relate to:

  • the online portal preventing the individual from applying for assistance
  • where no application form is received by the individual after they requested it
  • where the actions of staff or the systems and processes prevent an individual from applying within the 6 week period.

In these scenarios both:

  • good reason for lateness should be accepted
  • the entitlement should begin on the date that the application was registered

Good reasons due to impact of a disability

An individual’s disability or condition may prevent either them or the person applying on their behalf from completing an application.

This might happen if the individual or their parent or representative was an in-patient in hospital during the 6 week application period. Individuals should inform Social Security Scotland in these cases.

The case manager should ask when they were admitted to and discharged from hospital.

Appropriate time should be added on to the 6 week period when a good cause like this one is accepted.

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