Child Disability Payment decision making guide
What is a good reason for not notifying within 1 month
Individuals are expected to notify Social Security Scotland about changes that they are required to report within one month of the change first occurring. If an individual fails to do this the date that entitlement begins will depend on whether the individual has ‘a good reason’ for not notifying within a month.
An individual will have a good reason if either:
- it is reasonable for them to take as long as they did to notify
- they clearly intended to report the change within a reasonable time but did not due to an honest and reasonable mistake.
An individual cannot be reasonably expected to notify a change in circumstances within one month if there are special circumstances (e.g. due to hospitalisation) which mean they are unable to promptly report the change.
There may be cases where the change in the level of needs is either:
- gradual,
- fluctuating.
In these cases, it may take longer than a month for the individuals to notice the change.
For a non-exhaustive list of relevant examples see the “Good cause” for delay in providing supporting information in the Gathering Supporting Information Chapter.