Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Does the individual's ability to walk vary or fluctuate?

It is important to note that some children's and young people's ability to walk can vary depending on how their condition affects them at any given time.

There is no precise cut-off point at which an individual is or is not virtually unable to walk. Case managers should therefore take a broad approach to considering the individual's ability to walk in making a determination. This could include considering:

  • how frequently the individual's condition fluctuates
  • whether the fluctuation is predictable
  • whether the individual's condition goes into remission
  • the severity of the condition over a period of time

The individual's condition or disability does not need to affect their ability to walk every day. Instead, the case manager should consider if the individual's condition means they are either:

  • unable to walk
  • virtually unable to walk
  • throughout the period of time covered by the backwards and forwards test

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