Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Applications from a third party

Applications under SRTI rules can be submitted by a third party. There are no restrictions on who can submit a third party SRTI application.

A third party is not a legal representative or an appointee, but a person the individual has nominated to support them when submitting an application under SRTI rules. The third party does not become a Third Party Representative unless the individual gives their authorisation.

Third party individuals may include:

  • friends
  • relatives
  • a representative from an organisation, for example:
    o advice or welfare rights organisations
    o professionals such as social workers
    o nurses or doctors

The third party must tell the individual they are applying for assistance for them and must gain the individual’s consent to do so. The third party will have to confirm as part of the application that they have gained the individual’s consent.

The individual does not have to sign the application form for assistance under SRTI. The individual for a CDP application will be the child but a parent / guardian / appointee of the child will be acting on their behalf. Where the individual is 16 or 17 years and has chosen to manage their award themselves they are the individual.

The parent of the child who is terminally ill is still treated as the individual who applies for the assistance, even if a third party makes the application for them.

A third party can make an initial application. However, all further communication must be with either the:

  • parent of the child who is terminally ill
  • person who is terminally ill

There are a number of ways all individuals can receive the support of a third party representative in their interactions with Social Security Scotland.

This is not a legal representative but a person the individual has nominated to support them.

This is different to a third party making an application on behalf of someone who is terminally ill. A third party making an application will not have any involvement with Social Security Scotland after submitting the application.

A third party representative could continue to support the individual in their interactions with Social Security Scotland.

Third party representatives are available to all individuals but are likely to be of particular benefit to SRTI individuals.

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