Child Disability Payment decision making guide
Types of case discussion
There are three types of case discussion. These are set out below. A case manager must consider the level and complexity of advice that is required to help them make a determination. They should then clearly set out the reasons for requesting the type of case discussion.
Email case discussions may be required where a case manager needs a specific piece of advice in order to make a determination. For an email case discussion:
- The case manager will submit a question to the relevant specialist advisor on the case discussion referral template who will issue a response remotely. This will be a written response on the case discussion referral template.
- A note of this exchange is then recorded by the case manager in the individuals record, along with the request for advice, as a record of information that contributed towards a determination.
- A face-to-face discussion is not required for an email case discussion.
Discussion case discussions may be required where a written exchange is not sufficient and some kind of discussion is required:
- This may be because the case manager officer has multiple questions relating to a case or anticipates the need for follow up questions.
- This type of case discussion can be carried out in-person or remotely via telephone or videoconference.
- A discussion case discussion may involve a meeting between a case manager and a practitioner.
Complex case discussions may be required where a case manager officer requires advice from more than one discipline:
- For example, in a complex case discussion, the case manager may seek input from a practitioner and the Decision Support Team at the same time.
- Operational Policy may also seek advice from the Scottish Government Legal Directorate and/ or Scottish Government Policy if necessary.
- A complex case discussion may be be carried out in-person or remotely via telephone or video conference for example.
There is no limit on the number of case discussions that can take place relating to an application.