Child Disability Payment decision making guide

When an individual in receipt of DLAC moves to Scotland

DLAC individuals must notify DWP when they move to Scotland from England and Wales, or the Department for Communities (DfC) if the individual is moving from Northern Ireland to Scotland. DWP or DfC will send this information to Social Security Scotland when they are notified by the individual. This prompts Social Security Scotland to make a determination without application for CDP.

An individual can remain on CDP until the age of 19 years old if they turn 18 on or before 31st December 2023 and they were in receipt of Disability Living Allowance for Children in another part of the United Kingdom immediately before moving to Scotland (CDP regs, reg. 4(1B(c))).

If the above applies and the individual has applied for ADP and a determination of entitlement is made within 4 weeks before they turn 19, CDP may continue to be paid after they turn 19 up to the day before the individual becomes entitled to ADP (CDP regs, reg. 4(1C)).

The data DWP or DfC sends to Social Security Scotland includes the supporting information used to determine the individual’s DLAC award. Case managers should use this information when making a determination without application. However they must take account that:

  • there are key differences between the eligibility criteria for DLAC and the CDP
  • an individual could be moving into ‘alternative accommodation

The CDP rules refer to accommodation in a care home or residential school as ‘alternative accommodation’. Case managers can find more information in the chapter on the effect of time spent in care homes and residential educational establishments.

For example, if an individual is in receipt of the middle rate care component of DLAC at the time of the move the case manager should accept that the individual satisfies the eligibility criteria of the middle rate care component of CDP. However they must then consider if:

  • the individual is staying in alternative accommodation in Scotland,
  • any of the differences between the DLAC eligibility criteria and CDP eligibility criteria are relevant to the individual

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