Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Other international agreements

There are additional specific UK international social security agreements with Gibraltar and the Republic of Ireland. Irish or UK nationals moving between Ireland and the UK, and individuals of any nationality, moving between the UK and Gibraltar will essentially continue to be subject to the EU coordination rules in future. This is regardless of whether that movement takes place before or after the end of 2020. Individuals covered by the Irish Agreement making an application in Scotland must have been present in the Common Travel Area (which includes Ireland) for 26 of the last 52 weeks. The usual rules on competence apply.

The agreement with Gibraltar essentially replicates the provisions of the EU rules and applies those to individuals of any nationality moving between Gibraltar and the UK, as though the UK and Gibraltar were separate EU member states,

Other UK international agreements mean individuals who are both:

  • nationals of either Tunisia or Morocco
  • in employment in the UK

should have their applications from within Scotland assessed as though they were in the protected cohort. That is, the EU rules should be applied.

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