Child Disability Payment decision making guide
Suspending payments
Case managers must consider the individual’s financial circumstances before deciding to suspend (CDP Regs, reg. 26B, ADP Regs, reg. 39, SCP Regs, reg. 19B). See ‘Considering the individual’s financial circumstances’.
When a suspension is applied, the individual must be informed about:
- the decision to suspend payments
- the reason for the decision
- the individual’s right to have the decision reviewed
- anything that the individual can do that would make the case manager consider ending the suspension (SS(S)A 2018, Sch. 11, para. 4, CDP Regs, reg. 26C, ADP Regs, reg. 40, SCP Regs, reg. 19C).
This must be done in a way which provides them with a record of the information that they can show to or share with others (ibid.).