Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Moving from Child Disability Payment to Adult Disability Payment

An individual in receipt of Child Disability Payment under special rules for terminal illness will not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment. We will make a determination without application using the information we have for the Child Disability Payment award. Where we do this the Adult Disability Payment award will commence the day after the Child Disability Payment award is ended.

This determination without application will be done if the individual has reached 16 and they have made a request to be moved to Adult Disability Payment (ADP regs, reg. 59(1)(a)).

When the individual reaches 18 we will do a determination without application for Adult Disability Payment unless the individual has told us they do not want to move to Adult Disability Payment (ADP regs, reg. 59(1)(b)).

If the individual has told us they do not want to move to Adult Disability Payment they will remain on Child Disability Payment indefinitely (CDP regs, reg. 4(1B)(a)).

Where a determination without application for Adult Disability Payment is made for an individual in receipt of Child Disability Payment under terminal illness rules no clinical judgement is required (ADP regs, reg. 59(2)(a)).

The new Adult Disability Payment award will start on the day the determination without application is made and no backdating will be required (ADP regs, reg. 59(2)(b)).

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