Child Disability Payment decision making guide

When payment should be stopped

Payments of CDP should stop after an individual’s entitlement to CDP ends.

Individuals have a right to request payments to stop. In these cases, managers should make a determination without application. Individuals can request that payments stop either:

  • with immediate effect
  • on a specific date (Social Security (Scotland Act) 2018 , s26 (2))

The case manager should ensure that the individual or their representative is clear about the impact that the decision to stop payment of CDP will have. For more information, see Operational Guidance and Requesting that CDP stop being paid chapter.

When a case manager is notified that an individual entitled to CDP has died, they must make a determination without application (CDP regs. reg. 31(b)). Please refer to the Death of an Individual chapter for more information.

When an individual entitled to CDP dies, the rate that they are entitled to be paid is multiplied by 2 for a maximum period of eight weeks ending on the date the individual died. This is calculated with reference to the weekly rate the individual was entitled to in the relevant week. If the individual has been entitled to CDP for less than 8 weeks before their death, we can only double the payment for the weeks/days they were entitled. (CDP regs. reg. 23(7)(a))

Where the individual is entitled to Child Disability Payment for a period shorter than a week payment should be calculated in days. The daily rate is one-seventh of the weekly rate (CDP regs. reg. 23(3)).

An overpayment can occur when Social Security Scotland is not informed immediately of the death of an individual who is entitled to CDP. If this happens, an individual’s estate is liable to Social Security Scotland for any sums paid after death. This is with the exception of the eight week additional amount. The value of the overpayment is the difference between:

  • the amount of assistance paid
  • the amount that should have been paid if the overpayment had not happened

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