Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Establishing an individual's needs and impact of their condition

When reviewing additional supporting information, consider the impact of the disability or condition:

  • on the individual
  • on their care needs

Supporting information which directly mentions their functional ability and symptoms:

  • may be helpful in understanding their condition
  • should be considered within the context of how it will impact them
  • is not essential information when establishing their needs

Supporting information may not directly reference functional ability or symptoms. Instead it may describe general themes. You can still use these to understand the severity of a disability or condition and the resulting needs.

Existing support and provisions

Some information may not directly tell you what the individual’s needs are. However, you may interpret the information to understand their needs. This includes where supporting information provides details on existing support and provisions. This information may not explain the individual’s needs but the need for such support and provisions can indicate the needs the individual is more likely than not to have.

If you're unsure about how to interpret information that does not directly describe an individual’s symptoms and/or needs, read the advice and guidance on choosing the right decision-making tool. This might include a case discussion. That could help you determine if the needs stated are consistent with the individual’s disability or condition.

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