Child Disability Payment decision making guide
Relationship with the date of application
The date of application is usually the date on which the application is received by Social Security Scotland (CDP regs, reg. 24(1)(a)).
Individuals do not need to wait until the backwards test is complete before making an application for CDP.
If the individual applies before they meet the backwards test, but likely will do in the future, the date of application is the date on which the individual will meet the criteria of entitlement. These include the backwards and forward tests (CDP regs, reg. 24(1)(b)).
Daniel is 7 years old and has developed diabetes. His father applies for CDP on 2 October 2022. He notes on the application that due to his diabetes, Daniel’s stated level of support needs began on 10 August 2022. However, the backwards test will not be met until 8 November. The application is treated as being made on 8 November 2022.