Child Disability Payment decision making guide
Payment of Child Disability Payment after the death of an individual
The weekly rate of CDP paid to the individual is multiplied by 2 for each week up to the maximum period of 8 weeks ending with the death of the individual (CDP regs, reg. 23(7)(a)).
This is calculated by using the relevant weekly rate the individual was entitled to for each week up to the maximum period of 8 weeks ending with the death of the individual. This includes both the care and mobility components. For more information, see Operational Guidance and the Payment of CDP chapter of this guidance.
Where an individual has been entitled to CDP for less than 8 weeks before their death, the amount to be paid is a doubling of the period (weeks and days) they were entitled.
Where the individual is entitled to Child Disability Payment for a period shorter than a week payment should be calculated in days. The daily rate is one-seventh of the weekly rate (CDP regs, reg. 23(3)).
Paul is 7 years old and has cancer. He is entitled to the highest rate of the care component and the higher rate of the mobility component of CDP. Paul’s entitlement to CDP started on 21st January. Paul dies on 7th February. Paul died after being in receipt of CDP for only 2 weeks and 3 days. The amount paid is a double payment of each component of CDP for the period of 2 weeks and 3 days that he was entitled.
Any circumstance which has reduced the rate an individual is paid to £0 has no effect on this (CDP regs, reg. 23(7)(b)).
He is entitled to the middle rate of the care component of CDP. He dies on 1 October. Social Security Scotland is informed 2 days later. The case manager makes a determination without application that Alisdair is no longer entitled to CDP. Alisdair should have been paid twice the rate he was receiving for the 8 weeks immediately prior to his death. This is classed as an ‘underpayment’ of CDP as it has not yet been paid to Alisdair.