Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Impact of suspension on individuals with an AVE lease

Individuals who lease a vehicle under the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment (AVE) Scheme, can have their payments suspended.

An individual must be receiving either of the following to join the AVE Scheme:

  • higher rate of the mobility component of CDP
  • enhanced rate of the mobility component of ADP

When payments are suspended, the accredited provider of the vehicle will not receive payments. This may lead to the provider seeking to recover possession of the vehicle.

Suspension for failure to provide information

If payments were suspended for failure to provide information, the provider will:

  • notify the individual 17 days after the suspension of their intention to recover the vehicle
  • recover the vehicle 34 days after the suspension was applied but only if the provider has proactively verified with Social Security Scotland on day 33 as to the status of the suspension.

Social Security Scotland may ask the provider not to recover the vehicle until after a certain date if all the following apply:

  • the individual has provided the requested information to Social Security Scotland
  • the case manager choses to maintain the suspension because they are not ready to carry out a determination.

Whether or not in response to such a request the vehicle is recovered after day 34 is a matter solely at the discretion of the provider.

Providers may only recover the vehicle if they have proactively verified with Social Security Scotland on day 33 that the suspension is still in place.

Suspension on change of appointee or protection from financial abuse

If payments were suspended because an appointee was unable to continue acting or the individual is at risk of financial abuse, the provider will allow the individual to:

  • retain the vehicle for a minimum period of 34 days before notifying them of its intention to recover the Vehicle
  • retain the vehicle beyond the 34 period provided that Social Security Scotland has the provider on or before day 34 and confirmed that payments shall be backdated to the date of suspension and paid directly to the provider once the matter has been resolved.

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