Child Disability Payment decision making guide

Application not made under SRTI - individuals who may be terminally ill

Social Security Scotland has a duty to identify potential SRTI individuals at any stage of the application process. SRTI individuals can be identified in the triage of applications. An individual who is terminally ill may submit a non-SRTI application in error instead of applying under the special rules using the one-part SRTI application form.

Social Security Scotland may receive a non-SRTI application through the normal rules with details which prompt exploration of whether the individual is terminally ill and should instead have applied under the special rules using the one-part SRTI application form.

For example words in the application may indicate that the individual might be terminally ill such as palliative care. It is the case manager’s responsibility to investigate to ensure special rules are applied if applicable. Information may be included in the initial non-SRTI application or may be provided following receipt of said application.

If the case manager identifies that a non-SRTI individual may be eligible under SRTI rules they must alert the Social Security Scotland practitioner. If the practitioner agrees, the practitioner must contact the RMP or RN and ask whether the individual meets the terminal illness definition.

If a clinical judgement is provided by the RMP/RN, this is confirmation of the individual’s terminal illness. No additional supporting information is required. The application can be processed under the special rules and the case manager can proceed immediately to payment.

If the RMP or RN confirms that the individual is terminally ill they can either:

  • return a BASRiS form to Social Security Scotland
  • confirm the individual is terminally ill via a letter or over the phone with the practitioner and return a BASRiS form to Social Security Scotland within one month.

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